NeXT Nugget News Digest (vol. 3, issue 7, June 17, 1992) continued... Shipping Products for NeXT - June 16, 1992 By the following categories: VII. TOOLS AND LANGUAGES VIII. UTILITIES IX. ENTERTAINMENT X. PERIPHERALS A. Data Acquisition and Sound B. Fax and Data Modems C. Image Capture, Display, and Printing D. Storage E. Other Peripherals ______________________________________________________________ VII. TOOLS AND LANGUAGES ** 42 Album - A scrapbook for text, graphics, sound and Unix scripts. Phone: 011 49 40 38 19 24 ** Absoft Corp. Absoft FORTRAN 77 - Object Oriented FORTRAN compiler; fully compatible w/ NeXT's Interface Builder toolkit, allows programmers to add a graphical i/f to any FORTRAN program. Fx - a screen oriented source level debugger designed by and for FORTRAN programmers. IMSL FORTRAN Libraries Phone: 313-853-0050 ** ACUCOBOL ACUCOBOL-85 - a complete COBOL environment. (Currently VT100 version, NeXTStep version TBA) Phone: 619 689-7220. ** Adobe Systems Inc. DisplayTalk, a development environment for Display PostScript programming. Phone: 800-344-8335 ** Applied Logic Systems, Inc ALS Prolog Phone: 315-471-3900 ** BenaTong Serial Solutions - Unix serial drivers wrapped in an object. Phone: 614 276 7859 ** Black Market Technologies GridPalette - Scrolling matrix of text cells in a scrolling palette. Phone: 718-522-5090 or email ** CACI Products MODSIM II - object-oriented language for programming and simulation Phone: 619-457-9681 ** Cadence Research Systems Chez Scheme - high performance implementation of Scheme. Phone: 812/333-9269 ** Codex the XEvents Software Development Kit - protocols for cross platform interapp communication. Phone: 61 3 696 2490 (Australia) ** Elan Computer Group, Inc. Elan License Manager - Controls multi-user access to software applications in a network or multi-user environment. Phone: 415 964 2200 ** EVB Software Engineering, Inc. GRACE - 276 reusble software components organized in 23 distinct families of abstractions that total more than 5200 lines of Ada source code. HERAGRAPH - a complete set of 20 and 30 graphics tools written entirely in Ada. Phone: 301 695 6960 ** Franz Inc. Allegro Common Lisp - A full featured Lisp environment which interfaces to Objective C and Interface Builder. Phone: 415 548-3600. ** Highland Software, Inc Flexible License Manager - A package that allows a software application to be licensed on a concurrent usage basis rather than a per-computer basis. Phone: 415-493-8567 ** Impact Software Gdb 2.1 - a GNU Debugger Font End SpinDoctor 1.1 - for visualizing 3d experimental data PhaseScope 2.0 - ui and graphical display program for qualitatively analyzing the stability characteristics of dynamical systems. Phone: 607-277-8623 or email ** Jefferson Software Corporation Modula-2 - Programming language. Phone: (602)869-0316 ** Liveware Corporation KeyFamily, including KeyAccess, KeyDaemon, KeyInstall and KeyGenerator - suite of user authentification object. Phone: 303-484-7607 ** Marble Associates Decision Builder - Dev kit for apps supporting real time decision making. Phone: 408-436-7299 ** Meridian Software OpenAda Compiler - certified Ada compiler. Phone: (714) 727-0700 ** Motorola, Inc. DSP56000 Family C Compiler, Macro Cross Assembler (ASM96000), Simulator Programs (9SIM56000 and SIM96000) - Tools for DSP programmers. Phone: 512-891-2030. ** Numerical Algorithms Group (NAG) FORTRAN 90 for NeXT - Modern Fortram ully compliant with ISO/IEC 1539: 1991 and ANSI X3.198-1991 standards. ** OASYS OASYS Native Compilers, OASYS Optimizing 680x0 Cross Compliers, OASYS Optimizing 88000 Cross Compilers (C, C++, Fortran, Pascal available for each) - Highly optimized Fortran, Pascal., C and C++ compilers and cross compilers. Phone: 617-862-2002. ** Objective Technologies, Inc. [OT Palettes:2.0] - Custom palettes for IB. Smartfields, Chooser, MathPalette, and GraphPalette are currently available. Phone: 212-227-6767 ** Ohio Supercomputer Center apE - Scientific visualization software. (apE stands for "animation production Environment.") Phone: 614-292-3274 or email address: ** ONyX Systems, Inc. BugByte 2.1 - graphical debugging tool Phone: 817 432-9107 or email ** Persistent Data Systems IDB Object Database - high performance, distributed object database. Phone: 412 963 1843 ** Pixar PhotoRealistic RenderMan - a language for describing 3D scenes. Phone: 800-937-3179 ** Professional Software, Inc. Objective DB Toolkit - object library for use with SYBASE in the form of two IB palettes. Phone: 617-246-2425 ** RDR, Inc. Power Palettes, including RDRSwitchView, RDRSound, RDR Selector, RDRImageView, RDRGadgets - IB Palettes for using graphics and sound in the interface. Phone: 703 591 8713 ** Rock Solid Software Eiffel - an implementation of the Eiffel language compatible with Interface Builder. Phone: 1-512-328-6406 also available from Interactive Software Engineering, Inc. 805-685-6869 ** Scheiber Consulting HexEditor - view, edit, and create binary files Phone: (312)363-6420 ** Suite Software SuiteTalk - Transparent communications runtime environment for VAX/VMS and various UNIX platforms running TCP/IP or DECnet. Phone: 619-698-7550 ** Torque Systems Linda - Programming language. Phone: (415) 321-1200 ** Transgraphics Systems, Inc. TransLibrary 1.0 - transportation object library allows rapid creation of transportation/distribution operational inventory management applications. Phone: (510) 376-3522 ** University of Virginia uvapc/next - Pascal; inexpensive site license for educational institutions. Phone: 804-982-2200 or email ** Visual Understanding Systems, Inc PaperSight Developers' Toolkit - More than 70 code and data modules for image management. SpeechKit - speech recognition tool for application developers; supports speaker independence, continuous speech, moderate-sized vocabularies and grammars. Phone: 412-488-3600 ** Xanthus International AF Craftman - Multimedia NeXTSTEP authoring tool with an object-oriented scripting language. Phone: (Sweden) 46 8 612-89-95 or email ** Young Minds, Inc. MakediscPCC-ROM formatting software for creating a CD-ROM disc image. Phone: 714-335-1350 ______________________________________________________________ VIII. UTILITIES ** Agog, Inc. Squash 1.0 - a file compression and floppy backup utility. Phone: 517-627-2186. ** Athena Design, Inc LabelMaster - lets you print text or EPS images on a Seiko Smart Label Printer or a CoStar Label Printer. Phone: 617-782-3550 ** Atherton Software Works Engage! - a general work management utility that complements the Dock and File Viewer. Phone: 415-321-3720 ** Aurora Software Quickstart - dock extender. Tarre - graphical interface on Unix tar and compress commands. Phone: (608) 231-3679 ** Cube Technologies Stylist - Services-based app grabs and applys styles from/to text. Phone: (713) 778-1400 or email ** The CuillaMartin Company CuillaMartin Calculator Set - Basic, scientific and conversion calculators. Phone: 708 223 5164 or email cuilla! ** d'ART Software GmbH BarCode - reads and writes a variety of bar code formats. Object kit available. Phone: (Germany) ++49 40 380 23 0 ** Impact Software Publishing, Inc enTar - backup utility. MacinDisk ToshBrowser - read 1.4 Mb Mac disks Phone: 607 277-8623 ** Metrosoft MetroTools - Font, compression and screen saver utilities. Phone: 619-488-9411 ** Paget Press, Inc. Labels - a sorting service especially useful for automating the production of mailing labels. Swoop'n - services for printing envelopes and selections, compressing files and sorting and summing selections. Phone: 206-448-0845 ** RightBrain Software LauchPad - dock extender that lets you autolaunch documents as well as apps. Lockscreen - a screen saver which provides no-logout password protection. Portfolio - place for art files that lets you see their contents and drag them into apps. Rulers - horizontal and vertical rulers that float above everything. Phone: 415-326-2974 ** Salt Spring Technical MindOverMail - Utility for handling mailing labels, envelopes. Phone: 503 684 1416 or email ** Taranis Design WYSIcalcP7 in 1 Calculator. Phone: 415 585 9582 ** Teledia, Inc  PhrasePlayer - voice-controlled digital dictation machine. BackupMaster - incremental backup software. Phone: (412) 321-5850 ** Triakis, Inc T-Calc - reverse-Polish notation scientific calculator Phone: 505-672-3180 ______________________________________________________________ IX. ENTERTAINMENT ** Athena Design, Inc CultureShock 91 - a solitaire game for tile matchers and 60's afficianados. Phone: 617-782-3550 ** DavidJoerg Productions Ragnarok:Twilight of the Gods - animated strategy game. Phone: (708) 879-6261 ** Lighthouse Design VOID - strategy/arcade game for solo or network play. Phone: 1-800-366-2279 or 301-907-4621 ** Shapiro & Gilmore Studios Curvature - generate beautiful color patterns based on a specified number of symmetrical rotations and reflections of Bezier curves. Phone: 617-783-2889 ______________________________________________________________ X. PERIPHERALS Data Acquisition and Sound ** Ariel Corp DM-N Digital Microphone - High-fidelity stereo microphone with lab-quality data acquisition capabilities. ISPW (Ircam Signal Processing Workstation) - a board with two Intel i860's (160 MFLOPs, 80 MIPS). QuintProcessor - 5 27MHz DSP5001 's on a single board for the cube. ProPort Model 656 - Analog I/0 interface with 2 channels of 16 bit analog in and 20 bit analog out with programmable sample rates. Phone: 908-249-2900 ** Dazzl, Inc. Model 16/12/200 Analog to Digital Converter - 16 channel 12 bit 200,000 sample per converterz. Model 16/16/500 Analog to Digital Converter - 16 channel 16 bit 500,000 sample per second converter. DataDisplay - realtime display software for use with Dazzl A to D products. Photon - NeXTcube-based Digital I/O port for Photometric CCD camera systems. Zydeco I - board providing commercial grade digital recording studio for the NeXT. Zydeco II - all the features of Zydeco I plus - 4 56000 Motorola DSP's programable for on the fly parametric equalization, filtering, and effect processing. Phone: 309-674-9317 ** IOtech, Inc. SCSI1488/N - A SCSI-based IEEE interface plus software that lets a NeXT Computer control up to 14 IEEE instruments. The following require the SCSI 488/N: Serial488/4 - A 4 channel IEEE to serial converter. Digital488/80 - An 80 bit IEEE to digital I/O interface. DAC488 - A digital to analog convertor in either 2 or 4 channel versions. ADC488 A/D Convertors - Supports 16 single ended or or 8 differential analog channels. Phone: 216-439-4091 ** Metaresearch, Inc. Digital Ears - Audio input device and control software for entering and recording compact-disc quality sounds. Phone: 503-238-5728 ** Singular Solutions A/D64x - Hardware and software for high-quality sound recording and capture. Phone: 818-792-9567 ** Stealth Technologies, Inc. ADA1800 Digital Audio Interface - 8-bit digital audio I/O board capable of A/D and D/A functions at 32, 44.1, and 48 kHz AES/EBU interface Holstein-I - two-track digital audio recording, processing and editing software. Phone: (618)692-2769 FAX AND DATA MODEMS ** Dove Computer Corportation DoveFax - 9600 baud fax modem and 2400 baud data modem. Phone: 1-800-622-7627 or 919-763-7918 ** HSD Microcomputer, Inc. FaxMaxter 24/96 X - 2400 baud data and 9600 baud fax modem bundled with OCR Servant. Phone: 415-964-1400 ** Neuron, Inc. Neuron Fax 1414 - 9600 baud Fax, v.32bis data (up to 38,400 bps) mode; autoswitching between fax and data. Neuron Fax 1414+ - also supports 4 wire leased line systems and front panel programming. Phone: 609 243 7538. ** Visual Understanding Systems, Inc Fax Modem VS-24 - 9600 baud fax modem that can vector call to a fax machine if busy. Phone: 412-488-3600 IMAGE CAPTURE, DISPLAY, AND PRINTING ** Abaton (Everex) Scan 300 G/S - An 8-bit scanner that scans halftones, line art, and grayscale images. Phone: 1-800-444-5321 or 415-683-2226 ** AGFA Compugraphics Division Imagesetters - a full line of NeXT-compatible imagesetters. Phone: (508) 658-5600 ** Canon U.S.A., Inc. IX-30F Image Scanner - An 8-bit flatbed scanner with a maximum scan resolution of 300 dpi. Phone: 1-800-848-4123 ** Extron Electronics/RGB Systems, Inc. RGB 111, RGB 112 and RGB 63/31 Scan Board - Respectively a NeXT video interface, a NeXT video interface for our color machines, and a NeXT video to "normal scan rate" converter. Phone: 800 633 9876 or 213 802 8804. ** Graphic Enterprises PageScan 3 - broadsheet laser printer Phone: 714 960 6268 ** HSD Microcomputer, Inc. Scan-X Professional - An 8-bit grayscale, desktop flatbed scanner that supports resolutions of up to 1500 dpi. Scan-X Color - 24 bit true color scanner supporting up to 300 dpi for grayscale 24 bit color images and up to 2400 dpi for line art. Scan-X DP-20 - 20-page-per-minute scanner. Phone: 415-964-1400 ** Linotype-Hell Imagesetters - a full line of NeXT-compatible imagesetters. Phone: (516) 434-2000 ** Metaresearch, Inc. Color Digital Eye - Video input device and control software for capturing still and moving NTSC video images. Phone: 503-238-5728 ** Oce Graphics OceColor - An Adobe PostScript, color printer that uses the latest thermal transfer technology, and supports the full range of PANTONE colors. Phone: 1-800-545-5445 or 415-964-7900 ** Prism Technologies, Inc DyCam Model 1 Digital Still Camera - will grab images and dump them into the NeXT via one of the serial ports at a resolution of 376 x 240 x 8 bits deep (monochrome). Phone: 705.523.5528 ** RGB Spectrum RGB/Vidoelink 1450 AX - High quality high-res RGB to NTSC/PAl conversion and overlays. Phone: 510-848-0180 ** Second Glance ScanTastic - a scanner control application customized to exploit the full capabilities of the particular hardware it supports. Phone: 714 855-2331 or email ** Talus Imaging Rio Film Recorder - 35mm camera back, Polaroid instant film back, NeXT computer interface kit, Imager software. Phone: (713) 556-6007 ** Tektronix Phasor IIPX - A 300dpi thermal color printer that uses a Postscript compatible language. It supports auto switching between SCSI, Serial, AppleTalk and parallel ports. ** Visus, Inc. Personal Page Scanner - up to 3 legal pages per minute scanner. Departmental Scanner - up to 11" by 17" at up to 12 pages per minute. Large Format Scanner - up to 24 by 60 inches, up to 400 dpi. Industrial Scanner - up to 2000 dpi resoluiion, accurate to .0002 of an inch over 24 inches. Phone: 412-488-3600 STORAGE ** Box Hill Systems Various storage productsPa variety of SCSI storage devices Phone: 212-989-4455 ** CORE International, Inc. Various storage productsPmultiple Hot Plug drives, controllers and power supplies wrapped into an Intelligent Array Subsystems for network backup. Phone: 407 997 6044 ** the Cube Route, Inc. Cube Route Hard Drives - Seagate Wren Hard Drives. 330MB, 660MB, 1 GB. Phone: (617) 876-8554 ** Dayna Communications, Inc. DaynaFile - External disk drive that lets NeXT Computers read and write to MS-DOS and NeXT-formatted floppy disks. Phone: 801-531-0600 ** Digital Instrumentation Technology, Inc. Cube Floppy Plus - External floppy that lest NeXT users read and write MS-DOS (720KB and 1.44 MB) disks, Mac (400K, 800K and 1.44MB) disks and UNIX disks. Cube Floppy 2.9 - External floppy that lest NeXT users read and write MS-DOS (720KB and 1.44 MB) disks, Mac (1.44MB) disks and (1.44 MB and 2.88MB) UNIX disks. Phone: 505-662-1459 ** EMAC Metro CD - CD-ROM drive that also plays audio CD's. Metro DAT - 1.3 GB digital audio tape backup system. Metro Series Hard Drives - in 170MB, 335MB and 670MB capacities. Phone: 1-800-821-0806, ext 2155 or 415-683-2155. ** Epoch Systems, Incorporated Epoch-1 InfiniteStorage Server - platform independent network server designed to handle the need for quick access times to large off-line storage. Phone: 508-836-4711 ** ETC Peripherals Various storage products - full line of storage devices Phone: 813 884 2863 ** Liberty Systems Portable mass storage - SyQuest, DAT tape, magneto-optical. Phone: 408-983-1127 ** Maynard Electronics (Division of Archive Company) ST2000E - a SCSI based DAT drive which will hold up to 2GBytes of data on one 4mm tape. ST250E - a SCSI based cart tape drive that holds up to 250Meg on a DC6250 1/4" tape. ST525E - a SCSI based cart tape drive that holds up to 525Meg on a DC6250 1/4" tape. Phone: 800.821.8782 ** MicroNet Various storage products - up to 1.35 Gb, up to 10.7 ms access time. Phone: 714-837-6033 ** Microtech International, Inc. Eclipse 1.2T - 1 GB digital audio tape backup system. Eclipse 50R - Removable hard drive. Eclipse CD - CD-ROM drive with dual SCSI ports and a universal input power supply. Eclipse Serives Hard Disk Drives - ranging from 200MB to 1GB. Phone: 203-468-6223 ** Park Systems Technology Ltd. (Canada) Various hard disks - both fixed and removable media. Phone: 403-424-0530 ** Personal Computer Peripherals Corporation JETSTREAM Computer Peripherals Corporation - A tape backup system capable of archiving up to 2.3 gigabytes of data per tape at speeds up to 14.4 megabytes/minute. Phone: 813 884 3092 ** Peripheral Land, Inc PLI SuperFloppy 2.8 - External floppy that lest NeXT users read and write. MS-DOS (720KB and 1.44 MB) disks and UNIX (1.44MB and 2.88MB) disks. PLI CD-ROM - 380 ms access time with Sony's newest mechanism. PLI Infinity 40 Turbo - Removable cartridges store up to 42 MB. PLI turbo Drives - Very fast 300MB and 600MB hard drives. Phone: 1-800-288-8754 ** TECOR Disk drive enclosures - (1/2 height and full height), provided with or without new and refurbished hard disk drives from 400MByte up to 1.2GByte. Phone: 408.458.3197 ** Ten X Technology, Inc. Various storage products - line of storage devices including WORM drives. Phone: 512-346-8360 OTHER PERIPHERALS ** CH Products Rollermouse - A trackball that plugs directly into the mouse port. Phone: 619 598-2518 ** Digital Instrumentation Technology, Inc. CubeDigital I/O NeXTbus Development Board - Plugs into the NeXTbus Developer Kit circuit board to simplify breadboarding for NeXTbus development. Phone: 505-662-1459 ** Quest Inc. Call Link- Automated phone answering system Phone: (604) 656-8644 or email ** Software Engineering Solutions At the Beep 1.2 - Phone answering hardware and software. Phone: (512) 219 9468 ______________________________________________________________ end